Society of Fellows Nomination Form

Candidates are nominated for Junior Fellowships, generally by those under whom they have studied. Applications are not accepted from the candidates themselves. A letter of nomination should include an assessment of the candidate’s work and promise, i.e. a full letter of recommendation. Nominators must also provide complete contact information for the candidate, including current residential address and email address, and the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of three additional people who agree to write letters of recommendation. People of any nationality and interested in any field of study are eligible for these fellowships. Nominees should be of the highest caliber of intellectual achievement, i.e., manifesting extraordinary creativity and the capacity to shape the future direction of their chosen fields.

The Society will process nominations on a rolling basis beginning in early July. (Please note that the date of nomination bears no influence on the file.) Upon receipt of the nomination, the Society will request letters of recommendation from the referees listed and ask the candidate to submit samples of independent work (e.g. dissertation chapters, articles, papers, musical compositions, art work) along with a one or two-page proposal describing the studies they would like to pursue while a Junior Fellow. If a candidate suspects that they have been nominated but they have not been contacted by the Society by August 9, they should call or email our office. Both the candidate and the referees will be contacted by our office and asked to submit their materials or letters within four weeks of the date of our email.

Please note: if still pursuing the Ph.D., candidates should be well into the dissertation stage and be prepared to finish their degrees within a year of becoming fellows. If already a recipient of the degree, they should ideally not be much more than a year past the Ph.D. at the time the fellowship commences. Most Junior Fellows receive the Ph.D. just prior to the start of the fellowship.

The deadline for receiving nominations for Junior Fellowships that begin July 1, 2025 is 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Please review the following guidelines before submitting a nomination:

  • Nominators should confer with the candidate and referees to ensure that they are able to submit their materials and letters within four weeks of being contacted by our office. Nominations are processed on a rolling basis starting in early July.
  • Nominators cannot also serve as a referee. The three letters of reference must be written by individuals other than the nominator.
  • Please verify that all information, especially email addresses, is correct. Being able to contact the candidates and referees by email is essential to processing nominations.
  • What is typed into the nomination form is exactly what will flow directly into our database and will be seen by our reviewers. Please fill out the form carefully, paying attention to spelling, case (do not use all caps), punctuation, etc.

Nominator Information

Please select your acadmic title.
Your first name is required.
Your last name is required.
Please enter a valid .edu email address.
Please enter a valid .edu email address.
Institution is required.
Department is required.
Please enter your field of study.
Please enter your institutional address.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip code required.
Please enter a valid country.

Nominee Information

Please select the nominee's title.
Nominee first name is required.
Nominee last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address for the nominee.
Ph.D. Institution is required.
Field of study is required.
Nominee home address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip code required.
Please enter a valid country.

Nomination Letter

Nomination letter must be a .pdf file.

Reference #1

Please select the referee's title.
Please enter a valid email address.
Reference first name is required.
Reference last name is required.
Institution is required.
Department is required.

Reference #2

Please select the referee's title.
Please enter a valid email address.
Reference first name is required.
Reference last name is required.
Institution is required.
Department is required.

Reference #3

Please select the referee's title.
Please enter a valid email address.
Reference first name is required.
Reference last name is required.
Institution is required.
Department is required.